What others think is acceptable behavior, and the pretense that you have no problems, cares or concerns. Idealistic way of looking , thinking and behavioring
Normal people work for a living.
the definition of normal is the console the opposite of steven and Natalie, which is whack and boring.
you’re normal, therefore you are utterly whack and boring!
When you're not original and are identical in dress, behaviour, etc, to everyone else, conforming, like the majority of people.
oustsider: you're weird!
normal person: if I'm common to everyone else I'm not weird, you're just treating me weird, I'm as normal as you can get!
Normal is a common synonym for "cis heterosexual".
John is normal, he is cis and heterosexual.
If you use the word "normal" to describe yourself, you may suffer from the "normal" disease, and you probably identify as a straight white male. However, this disease can also have side effects, the most common being "denial" or "homophobia". If the boy in your class suddenly becomes attractive, you don't have to worry, it's something completely natural and it's most likely not a phase.
"Hey Daniel, what's your sexuality?"
"Ew what the heck, i'm normal."
the "Normal"changes depending on the situation and circumstances therefor he correct term is "common normal". the common normal is what you have in common with the people or this around you.
"Common normal" of goths : wearing black, it is normal to wear black.
"common normal" of dogs : having tails, that dog it not normal because it does not have a tail.