a dumbass faggot who hangs around in #dod, even when people tell him to leave... a scot wannabe
"hay faggit, get a clue, this channel doesnt liek you, now gtfo"
A fictional movie mentioned within Sanders Sides.
R: Hitchcoppolucas! Director of Psycho Godfather Wars!
This was taken down by the fbi
“You know to much, I know where you live”
Psycho nugget 3000 not found
bunch of crazies who happen to be in a discord server together
Hey did you go to the Psycho Smurfs meetup?
Wanting some gadget so badly that you check every day for news, videos or reviews even though you know is not out on the market.
Last night I stayed up until 5:00 a.m. just to see the new I Phone conference I'm such a psycho geek.
The anti christ
I think that lunatic moron psycho maniac stupid idiot, antichrist may have some weird devices