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turtle puking

Turtle puking, when holding a poop to the point that it is just poking out but than accidentally letting diarrhea spray into your pants. Much like the common thing called turtling but the next step up.

Guy 1: last night at the club was so embarrassing.
Guy 2: what happened?
Guy 1: I must of ate something bad because I thought I was just turtling well waiting for the washroom but I ended up turtle puking
Guy 2: bruh you did not just tell me you turtle puked at the club

by Crisper72 April 4, 2019

Puss n Puke

When a woman of a low, loose character, aka the neighbourhood crotch delivers more than meals on wheels to horny senior citizens. A brunette who woos and ooos old and frail men only to rid them of every penny they have. She's a dirty desperate gold digging bitch who has no friends because she's an alcoholic slut. Steals grandpa's money so she can buy designer clothes because she can't afford shit. She's a dumb slut who sucks dick for a living.

Viliki: C'mon baby, lick my pussy, that's it up and down baby, now in circular motions, stick your tongue in nice and deep, in and out, faster, fasterrr, fasteeer

Mr Leehey: Ouch, arrrrgh, I just found a set of false teeth in your vagina, yukkk, I'm going to puke

Viliki: Who cares? don't stop, quick stick your tongue in, that's a boy- Puss n Puke, Puss n Puke, Puss n Puke

by Radical, repeating decimals April 11, 2018

Puking shits

When you are vomiting and have the runs at the same time. Hence, Puking shits.

#1: Bro, you weren't at work today, the boss is mad as fuck.

#2: Man, I was sick. I had the puking shits.

#1: Oh. It's a good idea you didn't come to work then.

by Pepsi max drinking white man June 13, 2010

Puking baby

Life of Being a mom in two words

I am the mother of a puking baby

by Bethanymomlifeward July 24, 2017

puke juke

(n.) a quick move to avoid projectile vomit

(v.) to move quickly in an effort to avoid projectile vomit (puke juked, puke juking, puke jukes)

Did you see that sweet puke juke back there?! Not a drop on me!

Uh-oh, Christina looks a little woozy. Step back in case I have to puke juke her.

by RickBaideia March 17, 2011

Domino puke

A person vomits in public. Another person gets disgusted by the sight and himself vomits. Then the next person, and the next, and the next... forming a sort of Domino-like chain reaction.

I saw this hobo soil himself on the tram, causing a huge wave of Domino puke.

by Dalud October 11, 2018

puke fiction

a work of art truly worth being called a “ass.”

Ayo have you seen Boruto? That shit is puke fiction.”

by WaterLaw June 18, 2024