The Word you use when first
disagreed to a opinion/decision but instead, accepting it.
Guy: Nah i call it quit, this is actually the best painting.
Easing out of a position, by announcing your intentions to your employer without having a timeline.
I just soft quit my position, so the pressure is off and I need to find a new job , eventually.
When you let your current employer know that you are going to be quitting, but you do not have a timeline. It is not a formal resignation, but a courtesy notification. It can relieve performance pressure and relieve stress, while you determine your next move. There is risk that you will be asked to leave prematurely.
Tomorrow I will soft quit my position, the culture of the firm is not a match for me and I need to make a change.
A verb to describe a person who decides to hangout with their significant other instead of their friend group. Mostly do it when they share the same day and/or time of when his or her friend group are suppose to meet up.
The guy was quitting on the sleepover with his bros since he decided to go with girlfriend to the mall.
to subtly ask for compliments disguised as personal insults
"I am soooooo ugly."
"Quit fishing for compliments."
A phrase meaning to fornicate with a female partner thus, meaning 'hit it' and then leaves the female in a short amount of time thus coining the term 'hit it to quit it'.
Zac always wanted to hit it to quit it with Lexi.
when something isn't exactly like it should be. don't worry, i'm surprised people in the south don't use it either. you could use it like a positive word, but then you sound like ned flanders.
the tower doesn't look quit rightly. it leans the the left a bit. joe biden isn't quit rightly.