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Rough Rick

When one homosexual male grabs another homosexual males penis from behind and pulls it back to place it betwixt the other males buttocks.

After Carl guzzled his cream of skeet he requested someone give him a rough rick.

by Leo getz February 27, 2012

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Rick Ko

1. n. The statistically second-worst possible starting hand in Texas Hold 'Em Poker, 3-8 off suit.

2. adj. Of especially poor quality

3. v. To royally screw up (usually shortened to just "Rick")

1. That guy just raised with Rick Ko in the small blind...what a complete donk

2. Bill O'Reilly is such a Rick Ko journalist...he blows ass!

3. George W. Bush has entirely Ricked this country

by Kid Poker April 25, 2007

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Rick Santorum

One who is extremely strange, eccentric, fantastic, weird, or insane. See also kook, fruitcake, crackpot, nutcase or screwball.

I thought John was a kook, but that guy is a real Rick Santorum.

by Ploxhoi December 30, 2011

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Rick Springfield

the amazing artist who sings "Jessie's girl" he is very talented and a little cute. He made an impact on the world that was not moot. he is a role model to all those people who like their best friends bae. Idk if he is still alive but let's hope so. Long live Rick!

Jessie is a friend... of Rick Springfield
because Rick is a friend to all. Especially those of whose girlfriend he is trying to subtly steal

by Happy sunshine rain November 22, 2016

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The Rick Nagelberg

A drink popularized at mid atlantic universities. Consists of three shots regular vodka and a single shot of rasberry vodka. The drink is always served on ice.

I woke up the next morning with a headache from the Rick Nagelberg I enjoyed the night before.

by WhoisRick? April 28, 2006

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rick dae

The action of fingering a girl on her period, and licking the blood off your finger.

Rick: I rick daed a girl at the top of a slide once.

Hussein: Gross.

Rick: Eh, not too bad, it tasted like copper

by KANSAS MF February 2, 2018

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Rick Jamesed

Getting slapped across the face. Named after Rick James the most famous bitchslapper of all.

Because the little kid wouldn't shut up and stop whining Pop hauled over and Rick Jamesed him across the face.

by DennisIsEvil April 18, 2006

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