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Cuck-roaches are "men's rights activists" who harass women on the internet.

"I posted that laughing at sexual assault is bad, and a swarm of cuck-roaches started posting sexist garbage at me. Do those bros even fuck?"

by HarmonicaVirgin October 18, 2016

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Papa Roach

Like many bands out there, catchy music but I cringe at their lyrics (when I happen to think on them). Popular enough for me to want to buy an album and place it near the back of my CD folder.

Papa Roach is alright, but nothing spectacular.

by kaze2k5 March 10, 2004

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roach card

Card used primarily for making roaches. Can also be used as one of many random shout outs.

1. Got the roach card?
2. Roach card!!! Gotthecrack.org!!

by George T November 20, 2004

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Uncle Roach

Uncle Roach is mad rad. He is the coolest uncle around and you are very lucky if you have an Uncle Roach. Uncle Roachs tend to have "young bitches" and will have the craziest stories from his youth, however a true Uncle Roach doesn't let age get the best of him and will still be as wild as he was in high school.

"Wow Uncle Roach, you really are the coolest"

by Tyler Pizza June 15, 2019

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bank roach

A person who works in a bank that charges you many excess fees, takes away you house, car ect. And never gives you a loan. In short most all banks.

that bank roach just took my car away.

by Deep blue 2012 August 1, 2009

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sex roach

Someone who feeds off of destroying relationships and burning bridges by searching for sex in anyone or anything

The guy trying to get with my girlfriend is such a sex roach.

by Bryce Isaac Pierce Redmon January 5, 2018

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Roach Motel

A rooming or boarding house where illegal aliens often live, with beds stacked up on top of eachother in close living quarters.

I heard there's a Roach Motel down the street, there's 40 guys living in 5 rooms! No wonder it smelled so bad everytime I walked past!

by LIisinvaded May 17, 2011

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