Source Code

go away or I will replace you with a simple shell script

Some phrase made by a geek who probably had a moment of inspiration while masturbating toTux the Linux penguin mascot.

Geek: I've got an idea! I'll tell the n00bs to go away before I replace them with a simple shell script. That'll teach them. Damn this hand lotion rocks!

by FreeBSD user June 23, 2004

16👍 94👎

Shell Racing

What I call "Shell Motorsport", a pretty decent and underrated game on the Google Play Store, car go vroom vroom, yada yada yada you get it

Caleb: "Do you play Shell Racing?"
Me: "Hell yeah!!!"
Caleb: "You're an epic gamer for sure!"

by CirleGuy January 22, 2023

mac shell

Shell gas station/ MacDonalds were all the shit goes down

Tim got fucked up at the Mac Shell last nite

by juicemacmac May 28, 2008

skating on shell casings

Slang for being extremely busy, having been extremely busy or both.

Busy person (picking up phone): "What !?! This had better be good! I am skating on shell casings here, you know!"

Caller: "The boss wants the names of who we are sending to the hazardous materials training."

Busy Person: "Yeah, I'll get right on that"

by johnny pubestache January 20, 2011

shelling house

A removable structure on the deck of a scallop boat used to house deckhand as they shell scallops. It is often removed to re-gear the boat for other types of fishing during the off season. Its needed to keep scallops from freezing in the winter.

The boys in the shelling house either smoke to much or we are on fire.

by ACIDDROPx420HITS March 28, 2023


A group of people who don't work much for an organisation. And keep giving excuses.

You've been shelled.

by Favil July 30, 2019


To be “shell” is to be on another level of high like when u jus stuck or can also be used when someone does something stupid like doing some high nigga shit like something worthy of a neck.

(Originated in- Charlotte NC)

“Bruh I am shell as hell!”
“Bruh u shell how u drop the blunt twice!”
“That bitch was shell thinking I was gonna pay her that extra 20$!”
Aye bruh u shell?”

by ZTbeenON August 7, 2021