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soccer mom

Whiney, annoying, bitchy women who whinge about their kids playing violent games (San Andreas is a favorite), watching violent or pornographic movies, browsing the internet and talking in slang. Bitchy bitch bitchness.

A soccer mom would post a comment on a DBZ forum that reads: My three year old would watch it if I let him. I made the mistake of having the cartoon channel on around then, NOT for dragonball Z but batman beyond which follows. The Z came on and I was appalled....not just because its violent, because Batman beyond is somewhat violent...but in Z that's all there is...fighting, that's it. No real credible plot beyond that that makes any sense. In addition, it made my three year jump up and start punching after one viewing. With batman beyond, he jumps up and pretends he's flying, or talks about the plot (why was that guy put in that school prison? How can Inque turn into liquid?)
There is no discussion of plot with z, except to ask "what is going on?".

As far as what the z stands for, since kanji doesn't have a directly analagous alphabet, I imagine that was dreamed up by the english translators.

by Bumsley August 2, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soccer Mom

a usually white, overly-rich, insecure jerk that hovers over her kids like helicopter moms. she usually forces her kids to attend some afterschool activity such as soccer (duh) or ballet. her kids are "little angels" and she loves them more than anything while in real life she probably wants to punch them in the face non stop. the soccer mom's looks usually range from -10 to 6. the are usually seen wearing some ugly exercise clothes, and driving some big-ass, ugly SUV or van when the only have one or two kids. soccer moms are the main cause of ESRB, the V-Chip, iPhones, tracking devices, drunk husbands, car accidents, traffic jams, bad parking, and asshole kids. when they come into contact with you, they will seem very nice and polite, but the seccond you turn around, they will say something bad about you and be jealous. also, most of them have southern accents and live in north carolina or any redneck state.

every time i go to school, there is a swarm of ugly Chevy suburbans, ford explorers, Cadillac escalades and any other overweight car. inside these cars are angry depressed women (Soccer Mom) abusing their kids and bitching them around

by lucasthegreat January 21, 2013

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

soccer mom

A suburban mom in her 30s or 40s who drives a giant ass SUV, drives her 2 or 3 kids to soccer practice and tapes episodes of Oprah. They enjoy singing to crappy songs in the car with their kids and eat that sh!t they have at McDonalds because their too damn lazy to cook dinner.

Dude 1: Is that your mom's SUV
Dude 2: Yeah!
Dude 1: Your mom's a soccer mom!
Dude 2: No sh!t player

by Brendj3 July 2, 2006

77๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soccer mom

The maternal unit of preps. Most soccer moms are very proud of the fact that their kids (preps) are slaves to pop culture. They are usually content with the fact that their world is nothing but simulacra, and they have no desire to see the truth (that they're morons). They drive ungodly expensive vehicles (think: Hummer), and belong to some form of clique with other soccer moms.

Look at me! I'm a soccer mom! See my new Hummer H2? I was too stupid to negotiate on the price, so I paid $59,000 for it!

by manly man February 6, 2004

195๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

crab soccer

crab soccer is a game that we used to play back in elementary school during physical education. the class would be split into two teams, each opposing one another from the baselines at either side of the gym. the centre line would be stockpiled with foam rubber balls about 1 foot in diameter, and when the coach blows the whistle you scuttle around in a moving backbend, hands and feet on the floor but body up, parallel to the floor... you look like a crab, hence the name.

it's hard as a mug to play crab soccer but it's also funny, as a mug.

by tht! tne May 26, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Football is the most common title to describe a sport that involves moving a spherical ball down a field on average 120 yards long and 80 yards wide without the use of the players' hands. Players can use any other part of the body (feet, head, torso) to move the ball. The point is for a team to get the ball into a goal on the opposite end of the field.

Soccer, today, is mostly famous as a minority term for football used mainly in the United States. The term was coined by the British to differentiate between "Association Football" and Rugby Football. It is derived from "Assoc." and is related to the slang "brekkers" and "ruggers" for breakfast and rugby respectively.

Today, soccer is used to describe football in countries that have other sports also called "football". The most famous example is the United States. The term is also very popular in Canada where American and Canadian football are both popular sports. Soccer is also used in Australia to differentiate from rugby. "Soccer" did not become a particularly popular, nor official, term for the sport in the United States until the mid-1970s and the sudden explosion in popularity of American Football.

Football/Soccer is the most widely played sport today, though it's popularity lags in the United States and Canada.


by Tavish MacFayden May 13, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

soccer ball

You must be really stupid if you don't know what a soccer ball is.

I play with a soccer ball

by Sk8forTACOz June 7, 2014

85๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž