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Stew a hoo ha


Her: Do you want to stew a hoo ha later?
Him: You know it baby.

by pseudosymmetry October 22, 2020

Mountain Meatball Stew

when somebody shits, pisses and ejaculates into a toilet before flushing.

When I was taking a dump, I decided to jerk off and turn into a beautiful mountain meatball stew.

by The one true turd May 28, 2015

Stew in their own $hi#

When drama / $hi# starters, and people who love hating on others doing good, are left in a circle of like minded individuals, as the nice, fun individuals, head somewhere else to have a good time.

The haters, drama causers, and buzz kills are left to "stew in their own $hi#" as the easy going , fun loving group heads elsewhere to party.

by Crazzi31 April 14, 2016

Baltimore Beef Stew

A sexual act wherein a man receives a beef bouillon cube rectally.

I'd prefer a good Baltimore Beef Stew over a Colombian Piranha anyday!

by BBS Dad September 8, 2011

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East Mississippi Stew

When a girl kicks a guy in the balls, then punches him in the face. When he is down, the girl then blows scalding hot stew into his ass.

After asking his girlfriend to do the elevator, Julia gave Jeremy an East Mississippi Stew.

by MikeL3338 August 6, 2007

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Stew Beef

To loiter, lounge, procratinate, waste time in a slothy manner. (usually)

"Why don't you go do your homework?"
"I'd rather stew beef on the couch"

"Man, I stewed beef all day waiting for my friend to call"

by Debacle June 13, 2007

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Beef Stew

The name of the greatest dodgeball team to pick up balls and throw them, preferably and peoples head. Having no weaknesses they ran everyones show and had sick nasty headshots

you who we play tommorw billy
son of batch of cookies we have to play beef stew
fuck it broski lets fucking quit cuz i like my face the way it is

by head hunter April 23, 2008

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