When two men rub eachothers testicles against each other and the person who has the redest balls loses
Mike: my balls are still hurting form the testicle race we had
Jim: mine too but let's go again tonight
When you have one of your nuts shoot back up into it’s nut hole while you’re making sweet love to your lady or sitting in an uncomfortable position. AKA “ghost nut”.
David: “Mike’s sack looks lopsided. He must have retractile testicle.”
Kyle: mother fucker’s got the Ghost Nut!
friend 1: do you smoke the grinches testicle cheese
friend 2: nah dude i sway toward that 057
The male version of a basic bitch.
He doesn't have a chance with me! He's such a typical testicle.
Bro...don't be a typical testicle.
a fleshly part dislocated due to the over use of it
shit! i got a dislocated testicle again!
Whenever a male's spouse shoves one or both testicles down their own ass crack, causing either extreme pain or orgasmic pleasure.
My girlfriend and I were getting frisky last night and all the sudden she gave me the testicle crack. I usually hate it but this time it was pretty great.
"In Brazilian Testicle Boxing, an individual presents their sagged testicles to their partner, and their partner then forcefully punches said testicles as if they were a speed boxing bag."
"Yo my girl Brazilian testicle boxed me last night and and it felt incredible!" :"I love Brazilian Testicle Boxing! my boyfriend lets me do it all the time!"