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October 30

October 30 is national beat your Friend day!

Friend 1: I’m gonna beat you
Friend 2: why? what did I do
Friend 1: it’s October 30

by Yourmadkid!!! October 28, 2019

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October 30

National give your scrunchie day !

On october 30, give someone (maybe your crush) your scrunchie!

by erin837 October 29, 2019

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A highly powerful civilian use rifle that is also preferred by many military snipers. It has lengendary range and power, as well as two versions: a semi-auto that carries a three-round magzine, and a bolt action variety that carries five rounds.

This sweet .30-6 is useful for hunting deer and terrorists.

by Detranova July 29, 2003

24πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

October 30

October 30 is Kiss Your Girl / Boy Friend Day. So Get A Lil Freaky With Them

On October 30, me and my girlfriend met up and kissed.

by theofficialurbandictionary_ October 30, 2019

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going 30

when you are about to throw fist.

" i swear if i see her we are going 30 "

by mnosida July 8, 2017

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March 30

National sensitive woman day. People born on this day give off sensitive woman vibes.

"Wow, you must be born on March 30, because you're a real fucking sensitive woman."

by luoluorui October 24, 2019

29πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

September 30

Great sports players are born on this day, incredible looks, every girl wants him, but deep down, he’s sad and lonely

Ex: Claira”Omg Dylan is so sexy” mia β€œhe was born in September 30th no duh”

by Craizclapz December 3, 2020

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