you man dont know how to spell rubik's?
the *Rubik's* cube is a puzzle created by hungarian sculptor Ernő Rubik in the 70s notorious for its extreme difficulty that immediately gets thrown in the bin when you look up a tutorial on youtube and solve it in 15 minutes.
person 1 (texting): i solved a rubix cube
person 2: um?
person 1: yeah, i found a tutorial and i solved it in only 20 minutes! i think im a genius! its like the hardest puzzle ever!
person 2: clearly isnt that hard if someone who cant even spell the name can solve it.
A cubicle (or desk) that is close enough to a bathroom where you can smell the stank from someone having just gone number 2.
Matt: "Hey where is the new guy gonna be sitting?'
Jim: "Right next to the bathroom in the poo cube area."
Matt: "Shitty for the new guy"
Jim: "Yeah I feel sorry for him after Randy's morning Growler"
A standard of determining types of food dishes based on how the starch component of the meal physically relates to the rest of the ingredients. The Rule is expressed using the planes of a cube to illustrate. A single plane is toast. The top and bottom planes denote a sandwich. Three planes forming a trough illustrate a taco. Four planes forming a square tube are considered sushi. Five planes leaving only one open is a meal served in a bread bowl. All planes filled with starch components is a calzone.
I just realized that according to the Cube Rule, a hot dog is a taco.
A Rubik's cube with all the stickers removed, so it is just a black cube.
Fred spent all day playing with the apathy cube, because you can never win.
The Rubik's cube is a square puzzle that in order to solve you need brains. If you don't have like 100 I.Q, don't even try, it's impossible. I like to call it {THE BIGGEST WASTE OR MY TIME} or {The Devils Toy} If you are a kid on urban dictionary, ask your teacher... they have not even solved one.
I just wasted 4 hours of my life trying to solve a Rubik's cube. Or... how do those brilliant people online solve the Rubik's cubes!?
A pain in the ass that you can’t solve,
It gets me very frustrated and I want to punch a wall,
A cube of pain and torture,
Joe: “I can’t solve this Rubik's cube”
Jeff: “fuck off”
Blood cubes are made out of blood.They are healthy for you They cure hunger,Thirst.
Blood cubes are a healthy snack