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Scratch your pussy

Scratching a pussy is a slang phrase for stimulating a woman with your fingers in her vagina.

"I'm gonna Scratch your pussy until you come all over my fingers."

by Steve Santa September 14, 2005

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lay some scratch

Leaving a shit stain in your tighty whitey's. Usually brought on by farting a lil too hard!

Man Ed layed some schratch in his underwear today!

by mooseknuckles November 14, 2002

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scratch Warrior Cats

A part of the site on the website scratch.mit.edu with some of the weirdest people. Every OC there looks the same, as if they use a template, or copy original artwork, and they make clans that no one understands. Some examples of popular ones are DaisyKitty, FunkyFunny, rainbxw_cloudz, MinecraftKitten2, --CappuccinoCat--, Wolf-scar etc.

Scratcher 1: Alright, let's log on to Scratch.

Scratch Warrior Cat: *comments on profile* Hey! Wanna join my very cool cat clan uwu owo x3

Scratcher 1: Uh...

Scratch Warrior Cat 2: Cmon, join the electri clan X3!

Scratcher 1: Can you leave me the fuck alone?

Scratcher 2: It seems you have ran into some Scratch Warrior Cats. Just try to ignore them, K?

Scratcher 1: Will do...

by fuckinghatemylife August 31, 2021

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chicken scratch

When an infected chicken scratches somebody it's called a chicken scratch.

by Trentmasta June 28, 2003

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Bear claw scratches

Stretch marks. The red "lines" on fat areas.

That bitch has some bear claw scratches between her legs!

by Dave123 October 24, 2005

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Scratching the McCain Bus

A euphemism for masturbating. The phrase was first coined when John McCain's campaign tour bus collided with a van in Miami in August 2008.

Man, I was so horny the other day even scratching the McCain Bus didn't help relieve the tension.

by Stringer57 September 3, 2008

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Cat Scratch Fever

When you cozy up with someone that doesn't use proper hygiene, they carry certain bugs that jump on you and take up residence.

That kitty next door sure can purr, but she gave me Cat Scratch Fever!

by Magarat October 21, 2009

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