When wiping your ass your finger accidently breaks through the single ply Chinese toilet paper and makes contact with your own shit and possibly asshole
"Oh my god, I just shook hands with that representative from the Chinese Education Department after I accidently did a Finger Turtle in the bathroom."
To engage in a long term relationship with someone while never intending to propose, despite the other partners obvious desire for marriage.
I know she wants to get married someday, but I am totally going to German Turtle her.
Really, really, needing to take a shit. Similar to turtling.
Man, those tacos took me straight to turtle bay. I'm about to cack my slacks!
When you fuck a girl from behind and her ass smells like a hot turtle tank.
Me and Jaycie had sex, and she turtle tanked me. She must have taken a huge shit right before we did it.
When the balls are large and swallin, while the shaft is small, and being engulfed by the balls, giving it the appearance of a turtle.
She couldn’t suck his dick because he had a swallin turtle.
A small penis that hides in the Bush then pokes out when hard
I went down on this girl and her fur turtle came out
taking a shit, especially when you're at work and in the middle of something, you have to come to an abrupt stop to go drop the cosby kids off at the pool
Adam, i gotta go poopy turtles. Answer the phone.