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Cluster Fox

Derogatory expression describing Fox News.

Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly all work at Cluster Fox.

by Rhinoguy500 August 26, 2010

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Fox News

Fake news

Dude, never, ever watch Fox News!

Dude, it's nothing but made up bull shit! It's all fake news!

by Bustermine February 19, 2019

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Fox News

A heavily biased conservative "news" channel that often appeal to scare rhetoric, unverified statements, and sometimes blatantly false claims in order to evoke anger and irrational fear among its viewers. The language used by its reporters is delivered at a grade school level; hence, this station tends to attract audience who are uneducated, irrational, and are unable to separate emotions from logic. The viewers of this so-called news station calls other news channels "fake news" while not realizing the hypocritical nature of their statement especially considering the fact that Fox News is the epitome of fake news in and of itself. This station has such little credibility that it is an embarrassment to modern journalism.

Bob: Damn liberals and immigrants are on a mission to make Whites go extinct.

John: And where did you hear that from?
Bob: Fox News
John: Yep, that explains it. I'm not even going to waste my time talking to you.

by efowefpwoa September 25, 2019

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Fox news

Rightwing Republicans who can't handle facts even if there put right in front of them. They think Donald Trump is never wrong and the best president ever. Fox turns everything against the democrats

Fox news is a right-wing conspiracy theorist network.

by Fact checker 101 December 9, 2019

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car fox

A female that appears to be very attractive, but from closer inspection it is determined that her body is not up to par with her face. From inside her car, she is a fox.

Dude! I thought I saw the hottest girl ever but then when she stood up, she turned out to be an obvious car fox.

by Rob04 July 3, 2007

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Fox hole

A furry's anus

Oh yes furry daddy yiff me up the fox hole

by Snugglesthearcticfox June 5, 2019

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bishop foxs

A school in the UK. Where people dont have fun

I went to bishop foxs today and burnt the living hell outta some guy!

by Patrick April 4, 2005

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