A whole bunch of shit. Except in Asian countries
Got a boob ton of shit at cash n carry, the discounts are real.
The highest number an American can describe +1.
- How may guns should a patriot want?
- A metric shit ton of them.
Pronounced Ian-Ian-Tahn, This phrase is used to covertly say 'Not nae nae', when gossiping or chatting.
1: "Bro! My fiance ate my pudding!"
2: "Wow dude, that's ean ean ton!"
1: "Right? what should I do?"
1) To score a century in cricket
2) To hit 100mph when driving
3) To get to 100 friends on Facebook
1) Did you watch the game the other day. Dave tonned up
2) I tonned up down the highway yesterday
3) I only joined two days ago and I've already tonned-up
A filler word for a fuckton of gays.
Person 1: How many gays are there?
Person 2: A queer-ton, Bob.
Race between guys to see who can bang a ton's worth of girls the fastest. This race encourages hooking up with the not so genetically gifted woman.
Bro, are you competing in the race to a ton? Yeah dude, I've banged 4 chicks and I'm up to 700 lbs.
(A) A tank. (B) Quite possibly the best band to ever grace the earth with its music. The way this band plays its music will give you happy emotions and make you feel good inside. Once you hear this band you will never feel the need to ever listen to another band again. There really are no words to describe the amazing quality of this band, but if I had to do it in one word the word would be "Boysenberry" because that is my favorite fruit.
Really cool guy: Have you heard that band, 30 Ton War Machine?
Loser: No, are they any good?
Really cool guy: The best! Also, here's that 50 bucks I owe your really hot sister...make sure she gets that, yeah?