The period of time waited to a snapchat to be opened so it doesn’t look like you’re too eager. Usually around 2/3 minutes
I’m horny as fuck leave the wait line
Waiting wack is when you have enough time to wank one out to pass the time for whatever it is you are waiting for
I was waiting for my food order so I went into the bathroom and did a quick Waiting wank to pass the time
To put something aside for a while with the intentions of maybe going back to it if things change!!!
Dude 1 hey man you still messing round down the street with ole girl?
Dude 2 naw man not at the moment she got a little to much for me at the moment!!!
Dude 1 at the moment?
Dude 2 yeah u know I had to just put her on wait!!!
Dude 1. Oh shit that’s was up!!!
Waiting sausage, also known as the norwegian "ventepølse", is a sausage eaten while waiting for the main meal. They are most often connsumed by children, or adults who are really hungry.
"The dinner is ready in two hours, let's eat a waiting sausage while the food gets cooked."
"The food is not ready, fortunately we have plenty of waiting sausages!"
When you are in bed with a women and before you have intercourse the women says ",wait till marriage." It is pretty much a cock block.
Women- I want to wait till marriage.
Man- i am moving out.