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own goal perk

An immature soccer goalie who makes funny noises when scoring an own goal. Normally a useless but dramatic save.

A goalie who normally scores own goals in soccer.

Definition of own goals- he scores goals on his own team while being in goal.

The goalie may sometimes have a hyper/competitive mom.

God dammit Perk you scored on our own team!(Player 1)
Our fucking goalie sucks! (Player 2)
Perk why did you kick it into our goal! (Player 3)
What a dumbass goalie! (Soccer Mom)
Parker that's 5 laps damnit! (Coach)
Perk argues with reff. and earns a yellow card...
Perk lies on the ground with the ball in his own goal, crying.
This is an own goal perk.
I quit coach... Perk! Perk!

by Tron Adams May 16, 2007

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

i own a horse

A lie from a liar.

An effective way to get someone in a chat room(Omegle, Chatroullete, etc.) to leave.

(Omegle conversation)

Stranger: hey asl???
You: I own a horse.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

by gogogogomaniac January 16, 2011

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mind your own

Shortened version of "mind your own business." What you would tell to someone giving unwanted advice or butting in a debate/argument that has nothing to do with them.

1. Mom A. "Why do you feed your baby FORMULA??!! That's like feeding her poison!!!"

Mom B. At least I can FEED my baby. Shut up and mind your own.

by umakemesick September 22, 2015

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

own her wetness

When a man is trying to impress strangers on the internet because his wife doesn’t give him the validation he desperately seeks, he often resorts to telling women (especially on twitter) that he owns their wetness (plural) or owns her wetness (singular).

Owning her wetness is actually impossible. Nobody can own her wetness. Her wetness is not ownable. Only sad, lonely, married men ever unironically say that they own anyone’s wetness.

This condition dates back to 2018 and there is currently no known cure. Research into the early warning signs of saying dumb things like, β€œI own her wetness,” is ongoing.

Owning (her) wetness on the internet saved my marriage.

A gentleman always holds the door to let a lady go first THEN offers to own her wetness.

Own her wetness by blocking her then stalk all her tweets from your alt.

Woman on twitter:

Man on twitter: I own your wetness

Woman on twitter: ew, fuck off, dumbass

One small step for man, one giant leap for owning her wetness.

Indiana Jones and the Quest for Her Wetness.

Star Wars Episode V: Her Wetness Strikes Back.

Him: I want to own your wetness.

His wife: You do, honey.

Him: Not you.

by Mrs. Steve Buscemi October 31, 2019

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

i owned you

Term largely used on internet gaming such as 'halo 2'. Means that you killed them and now you own their body and their pride.

i just rocketed you man, i owned you!
i got owned by some guy with a sniper rifle.

by halo 2 guy July 25, 2005

57πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

up their own ass

Being excessively proud of oneself. Basically when someone thinks their shit doesn't stink.

That Oprah woman is up their own ass.

by Sploon January 13, 2016

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Melanated Owned Hospital

Melanated hospitals Are numerous hospitals in all 50 states that are owned and operated by melanated brown people who are misnomered as black and are making sure that all brown people in general are getting their voices heard and not ignored with doctors who care about they're patients physical and mental wellness.

Melanated owned hospitals take a different approach unlike other hospitals who put profits over people, melanated owned hospitals are putting people over profits where every life matter's, no life is worth a pricetag, we the people always come first.

by Desert flower June 17, 2023