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Kenny P.

Big pesty little meow who will keep getting ban on Roblox cus of harassment. Their gender is women??

Look at Kenny P. Over there with ***! Sheesh I better avoid them

by WuW. April 27, 2023

Chloe P

The best girl in existence, a queen amongst women, she will say she is horrible and that she makes everything worse, but she is so wrong, she just needs the right boyfriend to help her show it, she is a girl deserving your loyalty and your absolute devotion to, she is worth more than gold and more than the amount of money in the universe, she will give you the love that you give her and more, you will battle to see who loves who more but the boyfriend will always win, she also will make everything so much better in the world, while she might not think it, you know that she is the best person to make all your feeling die down, and lay low, suppress your feelings your really feeling, and make the voices go quiet, she will comfort you more than anyone else, she will make you feel wanted and make you feel like your worth somthing in this world, and you just want her to realise that she is too, but she wont believe it, but she will come to it over time

Man 1: I wish i had a Chloe P, she makes everything so much better

by 🐸Frogboy🐸 June 4, 2024


a Political Correctness Obsessed Person

Person #1: Mrs. smith asked me what nationality I am And I told her I was black. She corrected me and said I was African- American

Person #2: She's such a P-cop

by Paris Jacobs1 November 19, 2009

p o r n

What does each letter mean?

What does each letter mean in describing p o r n

by IWasHerw March 21, 2021


Racist slurs directed towards Southern Asian demographics (Paki for Pakistani people or Pakistani descendants, Pajeet for Hindi people or Hindi descendants)

Mindlessly using slurs, such as P-Word, N-Word, C-Word, K-Word, or A-Word shows your maturity level

by Sir. B April 23, 2022


A racist words against Pakistani or Pakistani descendants
See: paki

Liam Payne was smashed to death by Zayn Malik after Liam says P-word to Zayn

by Sir. B December 7, 2021


slang for problematic; causing issues for no reason

My roommate stole the eggs and wouldn't admit to it. She's so p-word.

by theredonion January 10, 2024