The latest and greatest in the Heinz condiment lineup is mustard mayonnaise and ketchup been pronounce mustochup
I’ll have my burger atw must-o-chup, lettuce, tomato!
Stands for "fictional other" in replacement of the term "significant other." Almost exclusively used by Kinstagram users who have a delusional belief that a fictional character is in love with them.
DNI if you post about loving my f/o 🥺🥺🥺
1👍 1👎
Fictional Other,
used by crazy delusional introjects who actually can't separate reality and fiction
"errrrm ryuuto suzuki is my #1 f/o DONT EVER INTERACT if you like him"
" oh..! "
eks dee booty fingers in the booty ass bitch
hmm yes id like a O O F GIV PENGS
eks dee
Loves young girls take tablets and gets drunk
Omg that old man is Charles o neill
A certain special kid in south of Sweden once in a school presentation stated an unnecessary phrase.
His friends were talking in the presentation and he felt he had to add something to it. but didn't really know exactly what to say so he said some incoherent bullshit and those words were "Typ så hä' A... ..o sen".
Dude1 - Men om du kanske gör det på detta sättet istället?
Dude2 - Du menar Typ så hä' A... ...o sen eller?
Dude1 - Ja precis!
From the song Took Her To The O: "O is Old Block, Parkway Gardens and shit. That’s what we call it, Old Block. So that’s what I took her to. They got all type of shit over there. And that’s where I be. So I take the hos to the O. It’s like a little, what you want to call it? I mini-resort, I want to say. The O, they got hotel room, free rooms and shit like that. A bar and all type of shit like that. They be doing a lot of shit in the O. It’s like Vegas." - King Vong