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shut your dick box

shut the fuck up but in a nicer way that wont get you in trouble

Arelene: Hi jon how are you

Jon: yo Oh My fucking goodness shut your dick box!!!!!!

by Karc30 June 5, 2009

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Knock you out the box

Mid 90s urban culture terminology for defeating another person in any sort of competition, whether it be gaming, boxing, killing, etc.

N.W.A. Song "Straight Outta Compton" -

"Me and you can go toe to toe, no maybe

I'm knockin' niggaz out the box daily"

Ex. 2-

Man, I can kill you at Mortal Kombat II.

Oh yeah, I'll knock you out the box, bitch!

by gregatron5000 June 28, 2009

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posted like a mail box

1.hanging out in one place for an extended amount of time
2.Just left a place that you were at for an extremely long time period.

Brandon: "Paul where you at?
Paul: " posted over here at the races like a mail box";

Brandon: "Paul where you at?
Paul: " posted like a mail box at the races."

Brandon: "Paul where you at?
Paul: "just got done getting my oil change, it took for ever i felt like i was posted like a mail box."

by Indian Brandon July 7, 2011

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Boom Boom Big Box

When your dad is being mean or not letting you do something you want to do.

My dad is being a Boom Boom Big Box

by Liv4them0ment5 January 6, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

x-box (hernia creater)

A games console that takes 4 delivery men to deliver to your house because it is so big and heavy. Also you have to build an extention on your home for it to fit in.

''I wanna play on my x-box whilst i recover from my hernia operation but i have no house to play it in''

by kinney2-k-4eva November 6, 2004

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hot cocoa sampler box

n. Derogitory term for an African-American lady who as evidently enjoyed a large number of paramours. A more specific version of box of assorted creams.

Check out that Yolanda with the six kids. Looks like a hot cocoa sampler box to me.

by Skid Marky Mark January 8, 2004

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Child Drop-off Box

When you adopt a child from another country, but you end up not wanting it, simply throw it in the child drop-off box (also known as an airplane back to the kid's home country). Dont forget to leave a note!

Guy - So, hows that Chinese kid you got doing?

Buddy - Well, we found out he had mental problems, so we threw him in the child drop-off box.

Guy - Good idea...

by Shawn Cooper April 21, 2010

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