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Sounds. Like. A. Plan.

Wanna go jump in the ocean?”

by David V. Savery March 28, 2021


The acronym for, "Sounds Like A Plan"

Him: Yo..what's up bro. I have a couple bottles of champagne. You want to pick up these girls and go to the jacuzzi?
Friend: Oh damn slap dog! Come pick me up!

Her: After I drop these kids off girl, we gonna go get our nails and are hair did and go to the club!
Friend: ooo Slapppp..
Aww yeah..we gonna tear it up tonight boo!

by SeanathonAllDay February 25, 2020


S.L.A.P = Sounds Like A Plan, abbreviation for commonly used phrase to say you’re down for an event

1: Hey bro wanna go out for some drinks?

2: Slap bro!

(Sounds like a plan bro!)

by Fat Mambah October 31, 2019


the act of playing pickleball with vigor and enthusiasm.

Does anyone want to play pickleball? It’s a beautiful day to slap.

by chcknggt July 28, 2022


stands for "sounds like a plan"

"wanna go out to eat and then come over"
"okay, slap!"

by Your Girl Marie June 14, 2023


Paul said it’s a thing. Like slaps but no S. Also like SLAYYY.

Girl you SLAP !”


by Twinklebearstar October 17, 2023


When something is made of incredible quality

This pizza really slaps!

by Cloyster Destroyer September 3, 2018