It means that "T series" is trash.
How to use the word?
spam it on FlareTV
Spam it on T trash videos
spam it on live streams
shout it out in public
T trash is 1mil behind pewds.
subscribe to Pewdiepie not T Trash
Sub to pewds
here is the link to his channel:
a lying ass bitch. someone who can’t tell two sides of the story.
“you’re being so annoying and dramatic, you’re such a c*t!”
a lying ass bitch. someone who can’t tell two sides of the story.
“you’re being so annoying and dramatic, you’re such a c*t!”
A Sexy man with the biggest penis you will ever see. has no problem getting bitches. and is super fucking attractive
chases with a last name starting with t will most likely have a girlfriend everytime you see them. the only reason people break up with a chase is because they feel to overwelmed by his sexiness.
Sarah: Chase T is the sexiest man alive
Lisa: I know right
T and A (n.)
1972, short for tits and ass (a phrase attributed to Lenny Bruce), in reference to salacious U.S. mass media; earlier it was medical shorthand for "tonsils and adenoids" (1942).
1 =) Her T and A has nothing on her T and A, these days; how I know think of my baby momma A.K.A. 1942 T and A
2=) can a T and A move on their own/start to move on their own or does 1one have to move them for them to Moreth as by creating their own Inertia.