Source Code

hot water bag

A hot-water bottle.

People use a hot water bag.

by Debskelly1985 April 6, 2023

Bisexual Water

When a gay guy who pretends to be Bisexual is fucking a girl and can't cum, uses Bisexual water as a cum disguise and gets out safe

Bisexual Water user: *to self* how tf am i gonna put the bisexual water in there

by SLATlayer October 30, 2020

Squishy Water

The squishiest water on the internet. Squishy Water is a clothing brand run by Nick Casper and is based on Sad Water.

Person 1: Do you have the new Squishy Water shirt?
Person 2: Duh, it's the squishiest merch ever!

by YTHacker August 23, 2019

Cheeto Water

When you sister proceeds to shove Cheetos in her water until it turns orange

Person: what are the hell are you doing?
Sister: putting my Cheetos in my water.
Sister: because cheeto water is tasty.
Person: wtf.

by Arsonborbisthekeytolife March 26, 2022

Dirty Dick Water

When you ring out the sweat from your boxers during a major case of swamp-ass and save it in a vessel.

Man I was at a live show and danced my ass off. My boxers were so saturated with swamp ass I could’ve accumulated an entire Gatorade bottle of ‘Dirty Dick Water’!

by JoelskiJizzle September 1, 2022

water wart

When you tuck your meat stick upward into your waistband and only the tip peeks out from the top, this is a water wart.

Hey guys, wanna see my water wart.

by Unicornslayer96 November 20, 2016

Chinese water bagel

When a girl moons her boyfriend and he sticks his dick in her ass and pees in it and take it out really fast so the urine shoots out of her ass.

My girl mooned me so I Chinese water bageled her

by sneeeze August 16, 2021