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drop a donkey

when you really gotta go poo

"hey move, youre gonna make me drop a donkey"
"sorry man, the lines back there"

by dumpygumby April 28, 2022

Dropped Onions

Letting your nuts flop out of your boxers at someone and you surprise them with it.

Bro, Joey just dropped onions on that old lady at the bus station!

by Darkpage August 2, 2021

Drop that neck

This means to give so much head to someone they almost get irritated. It’s the act of relentlessly slobbing on a knob, to a point of mental insanity’s

You see Chiu? He’s always tryna drop that neck on Nikhil!

by Davis’s March 28, 2024

drop some duces

to take a shit

Glozell1: When you go to the bathroom and you have to do not one, but you have to drop some duces.

by heeeeyyy14 October 17, 2011

drop do reys

to give head; to perform oral sex

I'm gonna drop do reys on my boyfriend tonight.

by socallingo November 15, 2010

Ball Drop

A New York tradition happening every time at 11:59 PM on December 31, depending on your time. Running since 1908, its been televised a lot and became really famous through Guy Lombardos television specials with the ball from the 50s to the 70s and later Dick Clark's ABC television specials with the ball running since January 1, 1973, now hosted by current "Wheel of Fortune" host Ryan Seacrest.

Somehow, over 6 balls have been created, and the sixth is to be starting its tenure in Dec 2025. The old one used until Jan 2025 is now in a museum.

Even though its really crowded (probably the most crowded thing in existence annually, even more people than probably obama's inauguration) in real life, a lot of horible "logo effects" kids who like and are obsessed with Goanimate like this for some reason despite all of these kids havent even been to them in real-life, never even trying to go there but watching replays of them, very unlikely to watch them live. A wiki has even been created of this, with random kids submitting years after always getting impossible-looking "concepts" featuring fictional characters from really popular kid's cartoons hosting instead of Ryan seacrest, and even one said the one for 2025 (happening on Dec 31) will move to Disney Land but it wont (despite disney owning ABC; which hosts the specials thats hosted by ryan-seacrest) and they said itll feature Thomas All Engines Go.

I tried going to the Ball Drop but it was really crowded and locked that day and I went back home to watch it on television.

by itstheunknown December 28, 2024

yogurt Drop

When your staring at a girl with big double d boozums and you drop you yogurt and your dick falls out of your pants because the boozums are too distracting.

Yogurt Drops is a classic when your admiring boozums and they are just to big and naughty

by Dr dickdestroyer May 31, 2019