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Dick me in the fuck hole

An exclamation used in moments of extreme or repeated failure. Use of this phrase cannot be planned, but must come out spontaneously as a result of frustration. It is used to express ones displeasure at their own failure.

Dick me in the fuck hole, Bloons! I hate this fucking game!

by kypbaker November 11, 2009

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one holed skin flute

1. The penis

I play with my one holed skin flute at night.

by Anonymous January 31, 2003

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a hole a frigen a gandolf

a hole a frigen a gandolf is a ganondorf from super smash bros. meele but with a butthole as a face. (butthole credit to gotse)

search user austinpimp123 to find a picture of a hole a frigen a gandolf

a hole a frigen a gandolf

by jikle February 17, 2008

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Vaporeon's Rabbit Hole

An online chat that started with something tame, and spiraled into insanity.

Damn guys we started talking about a smashed ipad and ended on someone getting fart in their mouth, weve gone down Vaporeon's Rabbit Hole.

by Weeb_Man November 14, 2022

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kamikaze butt hole

When the male rams there penis into the girls anal cavity so hard the males genitalia melts in her anus

I ramed my girl so hard i gave her a kamikaze butt hole

by Kamikaze bootycheeks October 21, 2013

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"Likes it in the Hole" Song

A song sung in high school locker rooms, mostly by wrestlers. The song uses a name that is 3 syllables long. It is about gay someone is and how he "likes it in the hole."

"Likes it in the Hole" Song

"Shia Labeouf likes it in the hole
Shia Labeouf's gonna take it in the hole
Hoo Hoo Hoo
Shia Labeouf likes it in the ass
Shia Labeouf's gonna take it in the ass
Hee Hee Hee"
...and so and so forth


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vee vee hole

another word for vagina or va jay jay.

that girl has vee vee hole stank.

by hahaha cheyss September 13, 2007

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