when you are really bored and type random keys
i am \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\uiop\hjiop\gnm,ppp'ppp‘‘•ªæ†¡™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™££¢¢∞¢∞§¶¨¥ƒ†∂®®¥¨†˚∆©˙ƒ∂´®ø…©•ø≥ç¶∂§¶πƒ•ø©¬ˆ§¶≤∆¥√†ç˙≈´∞ø∂•¬∞¶ˆ∆çµ˙≈∞¢∂πƒ•…ª§ç¶ø•§çπƒª©•ˆ¨§ƒ∆˚®ç√ªƒ§©¶•¥¨ƒ√©¶•πˆ˙∆¬
The letter p substitutes for the word possibility, so therefore a 'high p' is a high possibility.
Lad 1: Lad are you going out tonight?
Lad 2: Yeah high p
Harvard/Yale/Princeton/Stanford, aka schools that open doors to any career you want.
MD1: Some kid just cold called me asking if I can help him get a job at Goldman Sachs
MD2: Does he go to H/Y/P/S ?
MD1: Nah, he's from Fordham
MD2: Then tell him to cold call Moody's