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come out of the toy box

To "come out of the tox box" means to admit to being a pedophile.

"James got drunk yesterday and start saying what he most wishes he could do is tap a 7-year-old girl sometime."
"Damn, man, he decided to just come out of the toy box like that to you?"

by Tochterlieber March 9, 2014

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xbox, xbx, x-box

The best gameing console period. It is a computer that can be easily modded. Hardrive can upgraded and many games can be saved on it. Many programs have been written for the x-box wich can be downloaded for free.

I just bought a 120gig HD for my x-box!

by Ground Rat October 25, 2003

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yer mom's box

Your mothers all encompassing glory.

I stumbled upon three hobos roasting what I was certain to be fish. At second glance I had to ask what the rather strangely formed chuck turning on the spit was. He ripped another gob up from the ground, smiled with entrancement and replied, "Yer mom's box, it's everywhere!".

by sittinready April 23, 2011

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Natures Glove-box

The anus, or anal cavity where miscellaneous objects are stored in the convenient glove-box nature gave us, the anus.

Hey bro can i borrow a dollar?

Hold up, I'll just check natures glove-box

by epiclolz July 31, 2009

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Senior Mystery Box

A man that is like a mystery box in that you wanna know about him until you find out about him and then say "why did i go with the mystery box?"

"Why did I choose Senior mystery box?"
"Because everyone wnats to know about the mystery box."

by Kapsule Corp. January 30, 2009

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G-Mod idiot box

A video on Youtube created by Das bo schitt productions. The video is about..... well ........ ITS F*****G HILARIOUS And makes no sense at all. The main character is Dr. Hax with his line HAX!!!!!! Highly recommended to all comedy lovers. There probably most HILARIOUS line is Gravity cat not amused where a random person is dancing to Rammstein's Du hast the song ends and a cat floats in the air and sais GRAVITY CAT NOT AMUSED!!! And charges at him at craps out explosive balls on people outside the house

Guy: G-mod idiot box is hilarious

by Starmonkey2000 November 4, 2011

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Hot dank wank box

Perform a circle jerk onto a cinnamonbun in a sauna. Then proceed to make a bong out of the bun, preferably when the bun is soaked in cum.

Carl: what the fuck did you do in my sauna last night?
Peter: well a hot dank wank box of course, and got high as fuck.

by Karl-Henning February 27, 2018