When someone is the know it all in the group, studies for fun and researches everything.
What happened in WW1?
*proceeds to list everything happened in WW1 and what led to the WW1 happening and how it ended plus their opinion on it*
“Waleed moment”
When someone rages doing mundane tasks like gaming, driving, scrolling through Facebook, etc
Bro chill! It's just a game, Drew moment
Drew Moment used at people who claim other people shit as theirs, basically plagiarism mostly used in roblox and discord when a person uses a freemodel and claims that it's theirs.
Omg look, I made this beautiful game. *Sends picture*|
Drew Moment, it's not yours you didn't make it
usually referenced when a person sees a comically spherical orange being with buff limbs
Or generally used when something graphic or painful happens
Dipshit: baz moment lmao
When an event comes out of nowhere or something unexpected or big happens in your life, altering its course.
Jack: How'd the test go?
Jill: I bombed it. I guess I'm not cut out for physics after all. It was a Major Bukkake Moment (MBM).
Onion moment is like a woman moment but worse!
That’s an onion moment bro!