The water left over in the pot after boiling hot dogs. Generally discarded, but sometimes consumed as a beverage over ice.
"Damn, I left the donkey water in the pot until it separated."
"Hey it's cool, just give it a quick microwave and stir, I'll drink that shit."
"No way, it's either fresh out the pot over ice or nothing. This donkey water is no longer fit for consumption."
"Dang, guess I gotta go kill myself."
When your peoples leave you for dead in the water, just flopping around like a dead fish immiment
Damn you water-Judas, you left me out like a dead fish waiting to be put back in the bowl
When you sip on disgusting water while watching Netflix
Ewww Netflix and water is disgusting
The act of getting lost in a video game.
I've been Water Templin' this level for hours!
The term usually encompasses the entire vagina however has often been noted to just mean the interior of the female genitalia
"Hey David did you root 'er?"
"Oh man. I took the beef boat from dry dock to deep tuna waters and got lost at sea"
A type of drinking water that is mixed with locally sourced urine. A commonly offered beverage in northwestern Ohio.
I’m really thirsty and I hope you’ll pass me that pitcher of urine water.