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Verney T

Salsa Verde - a culinary sauce/dressing made of fresh herbs including parsley, mint and basil, among others, garlic, capers and pomace oil. It is a particularly delicious accompaniment to any savoury dish.

In kitchen circles it has been named so in honour of Verne Troyer, who is sadly no longer with us, by way of the loose similarity it has to his name.

Commonly abbreviated to VT by chefs 9who seek entertainment, however abstract, in anything and everything to help them deal with the relentless consequences of their life choices and regret at

having not tried harder at school.

"Mate we're gonna need a double batch of Verney T for tonight"

"Chef, you have that VT recipe nailed. Verney T word be proud."

by R.O.I. September 6, 2019


Surfboard Tie Down Straps

I need 2 Foamies and some t-dizzles!

by Cleanline CB July 11, 2008

National Roblox T-shirt Day

December 14

Hey, did you know December 14 is National Roblox T-shirt Day.

by bragkage December 13, 2021

T on C

Tongue on clit; sexual reference from “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before”

Lara Jean: What do you wanna know?
Girl: Everything. When? How? How far? H on B? H on C? H up and down on P? T on C?

by HaiitsmeJJ! December 30, 2025


A T-shirt with a hidden message of unloving indifference, usually wore by a fashion victim whore. Usually the belly is shown.

"See you never, my mean clever", was your t-fart after we painfully broke up. I just wanted to die. But the t-fart was so awful that I also wanted to laugh out loud.

by Hanssingqueen August 9, 2022

Jovan T.

Jovan T. is probably the guy that ste ur mom's v-card. Girls slide into his dm's just like his dick was sliding on ur mom's cheeks.

That mf is surely a Jovan T.

by .cumCum. November 26, 2021

T up

Word that is used when someone is being stupid

Monique: Bro I wanna get a bodypillow so bad.

Ryan: Nigga T up and stop being down bad.

by BBG_Nobility August 29, 2022