Holding 4 fingers up means you think jaimee is the best person alive
“I’m holding 4 fingers up because jaimee is the best”
When someone holds up 4 fingers that means they love you a lot and thinking your the best
You seen him throw up 4 fingers at me
If you hold 4 fingers up, it means that you're loyal to every single person you love and are happy to have them in your life.
„Why did he pose with 4 fingers in that picture“
„That means he loves his surroundings“
If someone send you a picture with 4 fingers up they love you❤️
Someone: I love you
Me: prove it
Them: * sends a picture of 4 fingers*
If someone sends a picture with 4 fingers up it means they love you ❤️
Someone: I love you
Me:prove it
Them: * has 4 fingers up*
You think divine is a sexy beast and you would take his wood any day of the week
John and David threw up 4 fingers yesterday , they must think divine is sexy