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green lantern

the only man on earth that has a ring that gives him power.

the joke is men when they are married they have no power and green lantern has power

by some kid took my name February 3, 2020

Green Lantern

When you and your partner fuck in the dark and you need a lantern, her pussy is filled with bugs and you eat her out, only to vomit green liquid

Bro, me and my girl did a Green lantern yesterday.

by penpenpenpen January 20, 2021

Green Lantern

To stick a flashlight with a green bulb in someones ass or pussy to make it glow like a green lantern

Yo i just gave my girl the green lantern. Her pussy was glowing!

by penpenpenpen January 20, 2021

Green Christmas

Christmas in the absence of snow

I'm Mr. Green Christmas, I'm Mr. Sun!

by QueenieAUbaek December 27, 2022


A term to describe Greensboro, North Carolinas murder-rate.

yo i'm from Greens-Bodymore, i think somebody outside at the courthouse, it's just slang big dog.

by thirty1six February 14, 2021

Green Day

Green Day - noun/adjective

noun: a pop punk band originally formed in 1987 featuring Billie Joe Armstrong on lead guitar and vocals, Mike Dirnt on bass and Tre Cool on drums, they fucking shook the world in 2 separate decades, with such albums as "Dookie" and "American Idiot" 2 of the greatest albums of all time

adjective: to do nothing all day but smoke weed and literally nothing else besides breathing

noun: guy 1: hey! did you hear Green Day are making a new album?
guy 2: yeah! i'm so hyped!

adjective: guy 1: what did you do yesterday?
guy 2: had a green day, 40% TCH today, it's awesome.

by EmperorLemon December 28, 2024

Green Day

Gods favourite Band

green day is everyone's favourite band! Even god!

by Babil April 7, 2022