When you take a shit in a urinal on top of the urinal cake and spread it out with your finger.
Oh man dude, I just put icing on the cake in that bitch!
Somebody that hunts for cake. A fatty, an obese person, somebody that puts cake before salad
My aunt Sarah is the biggest cake hunter. Size of her
When your date jerks you off, and you cum into a pan of hot pan of frying oil. The fried cum is served on a plate and dusted with cocaine.
Barbra and Tiffany fought over the leftovers, from the funnel cake special they gave me lat night.
Something that people are addicted to holy frick why
A : I love these christmas tree cakes! *spams them in the group chat*
Everybody else : WhYYYYY
A cake made with 10 cups of dirt, that is made for someone who orders boba for people that they have never met. This cake is traditionally eaten on the boba generator and a Boba receivers first meeting in person. On some occasions this cake is made with a small amount of cum from the boba receiver to put the Boba generator under a spell that forces their body to give the boba receiver The most scrumptious had known to man!
Are we going to make the Bussing bussing cake for boba generator this Friday? Yes, yes we are, the head inducing kind.
Dude, the pacman equivalent to cake is clearly Pacman. nom nom nom.