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one eye noodlin'

when your so hammed you cant sit strait up and everything looks better out of one eye

-did you see how drunk shawn was last night hahaha...

yea he was fuckin one eye noodlin' when he was drivin me home

by B ridin September 9, 2007

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Lift My Eyes

A saying used when you are feeling down and depressed.

John: You look sad today Chloe. :(
Chloe: Sorry , need someone to Lift My Eyes.

by `miley_cyrus August 16, 2009

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Computer Eye Syndrome

when you go on the computer too much , you can go blind in your right eye. & your hair turns green before bursting into flames

You have been on the coputer for 3 weeks , your going to got Computer Eye Syndrome


by StaaciLei August 31, 2009

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Fish Eye Lens

A camera lens that produces the sickest photos

take a cool picture with that fish eye lens!

by dumdumdummm April 22, 2011

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coo coo eyes

1) Someone that wears glasses with strong magnification.
2) Someone with popbottle glasses.

3) Joseph Drakes nickname at Parmadale in 1991 besides helmit head or butt pirate.

4) A Ohio native AKA "Joseph Drake."

Mark: Man, Joe Drake is looking at me with his coo coo eyes again.
Steven: You better not drop the soap at shower time.

by papermoonfan January 4, 2011

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Eye roll emoji

an emoji used by people have nothing intelligent to say in response to an intelligent comment. Thesaurus: uncivilized; philistine; idiot demon; idiot; laymen person; eyes don't roll down.

"Hey I love tacos!" Eye roll emoji response.

by Mwjop May 12, 2017

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G-eye blow

Was gizzed on in their eye after givin head

Yo man how'd things go with that fine bich Brenda?

Man by the end of the night you could call her G-eye blow!

by D Money April 2, 2003

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