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Eating Goldfish from the Box

When a Twitch streamer (or other entertaining host) shows cleavage (or fan-service) while eating any kind of food.

"I have to leave now," commented a chat member, "Amy Whatserface is Eating Goldfish from the Box".

by JJBullfrog October 20, 2021

You weren’t behind the boxes

A term when a group of friends consisting of an Adam Jorge Owen and josh is used when bullshit occurres


“Josh, you weren’t behind the boxes “ Adam says

by Egg wrap November 17, 2018

Just chilling in me box

A quote from the god Niall Horan.

Just chilling in me box, lost my phone.

by Hihioopsoops August 31, 2021

Hot dank wank box

Perform a circle jerk onto a cinnamonbun in a sauna. Then proceed to make a bong out of the bun, preferably when the bun is soaked in cum.

Carl: what the fuck did you do in my sauna last night?
Peter: well a hot dank wank box of course, and got high as fuck.

by Karl-Henning February 27, 2018

parking lot lunch box

It is basically a 12oclock car fuck. During their lunch break, two people arrange to meet at there favorite parking lot. After parking adjacent from one another, one of the two looks in both directions before climbing into the other's car. They then have a car-shaking fuck followed by a ham n cheese sandwich. After they are finished they return to their jobs in their separate cars.

It was 10 minutes after 12PM, they were cutting it close, It would have to have a quicky parking lot lunch box today.

Mr. Fitzgerald had to take his car to the carwash after a parking lot lunch box that afternoon; there were crumbs everywhere.

by PrincessGaylordFocker September 13, 2017

One eyed grease box

A bad ass mother fucking bitch with a nice pussy and one eye

I was at the pool when this one eyed grease box showed up.

by Oneeyedgreasebox July 6, 2017

Broke my laugh box

When you laugh so hard at something that nothing else is funny to you for the rest of the day.

“That was so fucking funny! I think i broke my laugh box!”

by Guest2727277 January 31, 2022