gummy water is another word for the drink lean, which is also known as purple drink, sirup, dirty sprite, wock etc.
codeine and sprite for my gummy water, member' put sum of them bears in!
When water and chilli is mixed together in order to make the chilli drinkable.
The man lost the bet, he had to drink a shot of chilli water.
A general term that means "impossible". Connected with a Bible depiction of Jesus walking on water
"Dude, an autistic kid just walked on water..."
"They decoded FBI Code Mercury, ISTG that autistic is a savant"
The inability to handle (either type of) water when encountering something exciting. Keep it up and you're likely to have your water reclaimed by the tribe.
Early 80's David Lee Roth gives me poor water discipline.
that commercial that makes me wanna go somewhere tropical. like now
dude, did you see her shirt? its like sandals ocean water
i wanna go there
lets go to the beach
The act of masturbating while having your partner douche your ass.
Steve & Matt seems to always enjoy leaving to go shooting water bottle rockets together. Such nice boys
A media website of any kind on the internet where no one has ever shitposted anything; very few have sailed through usharted waters…
Person 1: “Wow, literally no one has said anything bad about my last Reddit post.”
Person 2: “That’s cuz you’re in Unsharted Waters, man.”