What comes out of a mustard bottle when you forget to shake it first
I got mustard piss on my hotdog because I forgot to shake the bottle first.
When you're so angry at bricks that you piss on them. It can also be when you just really gotta pee
I'm so mad I'm gonna piss on a brick
the feeling a mom gets which is so utterly indescribable that the only word that sums up how incredibly ticked she is at her children is summed up by...ubber pissed!!!!!!
Josh: Hey Jason, what's wrong with mom?
Jason: I don't know man - must be she is ubber pissed at something we didn't tell her again!
A joke that dragged on for longer than it should have
Time to file a complaint with the Medford Pissed Pants Association (MPPA)
A cold glass of captain Morgan rum paired with a diet dark soda of your choice.
Billy was absolutely torched on the pirate piss at the camp this weekend.
Iced cold Captain Morgan white rum paired with a diet dark soda of your choice
The boys were absolutely hammered on the pirate piss in the shed this weekend.
The act of going to the bathroom sitting down , and after taking a piss you take a dump and the dump makes a splash so big that piss splashes back onto (and in some cases inside) your ass
Definition: piss ass (verb)
getting piss on (or in) your ass after taking a large shit.
Last night i took a dump so big i gave myself piss ass , worst feeling ever