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Carpet sake bomb

When you insert a shot of sake into a cat’s asshole along with chopsticks, and proceed to scoop out the butt cheese and enjoy!

Hey SakeKing, can you grab the carpet cleaner and some plastic shot glasses? We’re having a carpet sake bomb tonight. Treat the cat with kindness and don’t get it on the walls or that’s -2 points.

by MeSsiBoI May 3, 2022

Atom bomb

Mankinds worst invention and scariest to

'Random guy' -Holy shit the nukes are coming

"All atom bomb explodes"

by Orman November 3, 2016

Atom Bomb

In divorce law the Atom Bomb is a strategy used by women against their husbands. The wife claims the husband molested their children and the woman ends up winning the custody case. It is 99% effective even without evidence.

That bitch used the Atom Bomb and ruined this good man's life despite him being innocent.

by @mrkulci September 12, 2020

Atom bomb

That one poo that when you finish doing the water splash up on your but

I just did the biggest atom bomb

by Magic Feetus November 7, 2019

Bazil Bomb

The "Bazil Bomb" is a mythological creature discovered in 1882 by the famous Jewish researcher Jaiden Pinzer. The Bazil Bomb is known for it's outrageous voice and it's strong scent of gas and beans; the Bazil Bomb is known for noticing things that are disgusting. It's DOB is unknown as nobody besides Jaiden Pinzer (The famous Jewish researcher) and Pomp Ag Mansta (A famous scientist who has a IQ of 420) have encountered this creature. Many people say they believe Bazil Bomb was held captivate in Alcatraz, if you ever do encounter Bazil Bomb and I quote: "hit that jawless fucking potato peel over the skull with a stick covered in lit napalm"-Pomp Ag Manster

We believe that the Bazil Bomb could be real but it is just a myth so the chances of it being real are unlikely

by Pomp Ag Manster IV July 17, 2018

Lip Bomb

The name for the crack pipe in the government issued “Safe Smoking Kit” in the list of contents.

I just got my crack kit from Uncle Sam. I can’t wait to spark up that Lip Bomb.

by Set Berzerker May 13, 2022

Lip Bomb

The vapor delivery system included in the “Safe Smoking Kit” issued by the US Govt. It is what it is called in the list of contents

I can’t wait to spark up some crack in my new Lip Bomb that I just got from Uncle Sam

by Set Berzerker May 13, 2022