Source Code

Cold Comfort God Roll

Something other than women that Crobe344 cannot get

Yo dude I just got the Cold Comfort God Roll
Crobe: Fuck you man...

by AstralSync October 29, 2023

texas rolling pin

When you viciously beat someone to death with a rolling pin in Texas.

Steve: “oh look a Texas rolling pin
John: “nice…”
Steve: *viciously beats John to death in Texas*

by Stebone69 September 30, 2021

roll of the ship

when a former member of the navy blames walking past a man and grabbing at the mans genitals on the fact he lost his sense of balance whilst in the navy, not the fact he is actually a closet homosexual.

"sorry mate, roll of the ship!" he said

by burt kamersson August 11, 2003

Rolled Frank Cigarret

When you take components from a cigarette butt (filter and the dry burnt tabacco) to make a new (more unhealthy) rolled cigar

It is called Frank from frankentein's monster

Because you graft many cigarettes into a new one

I didn't have filters or tabacco yesterday so I made myself a Rolled Frank Cigarret

by Oldweirdwizarddude July 19, 2023

Lennie Tootsie Roll

When you make out with a girl in a sleeping bag and she shits on you.

Jenny gave me a Lennie Tootsie Roll lastnight.

Jenny has a case of the Lennie Tootsie Rolls.

by Hotel Whiskey November 28, 2019

Schrödinger's roll call

A thought experiment for online classes in which the student may be simultaneously present and absent as a result of their attendance being linked to studiousness

The class had 50 students online, when called on only 10 respond

It was a Schrödinger's roll call captured by teams.

by 11 tabs & it becomes Urban dic June 18, 2021

Skinny Rolls

Someone who has a fat stomach but skinny body. Usually extremely annoying people.

Susie: “do you know avery anal?”
Batman: “you mean skinny rolls?”

by Jane Gunderson January 12, 2022