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Urban Dictionary

Propagator of hate-filled misinformation

Look up Urban Dictionary for nasties targeting flavour-of-the-month victims of hate campaigns

by Ailleurssij'ysuis June 3, 2024

Urban Dictionary

The equivalent to Jesus

The urban dictionary has some good definitions

by bigboybaby69420 December 13, 2021

Urban Dictionary

The place that wont publish my meanings anymore even if theyre perfectly fine. I know however that theyll probably publish this to try and make it seem like im contradicting myself. LOL

The urban dictionary is full of retarded decriptions

by SomeFilthyYasuoMain August 15, 2017

Urban Dictionary

An online dictionary where horny 14 year olds look at random words with weird meanings like Giorno Giovanna being a sex act..Literally phub but words and gifs.A disease.Literally its sole purpose is to give random people orgasms.

me:*goes on urban dictionary
urban dictionary:*first word is porn
me:*searches the word ''help''
urban dictionary:The act of screwing a girl to help her cope from being away from home
me:*searches the word ''cookie''
urban dictionary:a woman's pussy
me:*searches the word ''disease''
urban dictionary:A disease is you getting an orgasm at reading every one of our definitions
me:of course urban dictionary,might as well watch phub instead of reading these.
*no i dont watch phub

by 九条定文 August 3, 2021

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary Is the website you are using right now. I'm not sure why you felt the need to look it up...

Person 1: Yo, my girlfriend just texted me the message "I want to have swag" wtf does that mean?!?

Person 2: Idk, look it up in the Urban Dictionary.

by itsel12tre June 27, 2022

Urban Dictionary

The best website ever for finding odd definitions to weird words for weird people

Hey john the pedophile down the street goes on Urban dictionary all the time for luring little kids into his van

by DaT 1 GuY 696969 April 4, 2011

Urban Dictionary

A site that’s really hilarious, but one you shouldn’t go to if you’re trying to unironically make a point.

Deck: Hey Lizzy sent me this definition.
Jeanne: Oh my god she seriously expects us to take this seriously? She found it on Urban Dictionary!
Deck: I know, I still can’t get over the fact that she’s trying to be serious!

by Doggo is tired May 25, 2020