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Taco toe

When Becky runs over Jimmy's little chunky toe and makes it look like a taco toe.

One day Becky was ridding her hoverboard and ran over Jimmy's foot and he got done taco toed

by SportyObject5 September 3, 2021

The Taco Talks

A modern history book, podcast, radio channel, dj, graphic designer, photographer, veterinary expert bible combined into all forms of marketing. A brand anyone can reach out to. The Taco Talks who goes by multiple names; MLE, Robyn Cobb, Robyy Cobb, Kristen Wright, and TacoTheCatEmily is the host of all the platforms this News Reel is on spotify podcast, wordpress, website

Did you see what The Taco Talks Posted ?
No? Where?

Snapchat Site, yo!

by tacochatcat January 11, 2021

del taco

Somewhere you wanna take someone to have sex with them

Whoa look at that guy, I’d go to del taco with him

by lanastan666 January 14, 2024

Del Taco

A weenis who is a soon to be dilf <3

Del Taco is my hubby

by sofiuwuowo July 3, 2021

taco bell internet

Slow ass internet such as the kind you'd get from using the free WiFi at a Taco Bell.

Griff: This Taco Bell internet is laggy as hell.
Tucker: Yeah dude, you're rubber banding all over the place.

by GDubz019 July 26, 2021

taco bell graffiti

The poop stains in the toilet bowl

I wish people would stop leaving all this taco bell graffiti, I mean the brush is right next to the toilet for a reason!

by I piss knowledge December 11, 2020

spicey street taco

(V.): The act of applying Frank's Red Hot over a Mexican hooker's vagina before proceeding to eat her out

Mexican Hooker: "What are ya looking for suggah daddy?"
Customer: "I was really thinking a Spicey Street Taco. "

by Mr.Magic's_Magical_Magic_Kit December 15, 2015