A classy but sassy way to tell someone to F*** off
-Lick my cl*t where I s**t- To tell someone to f**k off
Person A- yo lemme get that bag of doritos
Person B-Lick my clit where I sh*t
Nickname of the best wasian DJ
Usually an airhorn plays after it from mr Poseidon
“Shes so asian she can sold any math equation” - KrispyKremeQueen
“Yeah thats nikki t alright”
Granville T. Woods, born to free African Americans, held various engineering and industrial jobs before establishing a company to develop electrical apparatus. Known as "Black Edison," he registered nearly 60 patents in his lifetime, including a telephone transmitter, a trolley wheel and the multiplex telegraph (over which he defeated a lawsuit by Thomas Edison).
Granville T. Woods was known as the "Black Edison"
When a man, even though he had a vasectomy, has to pull out in order not to leave his wife dripping for the next 12 hours and she doesn’t want it on her gut. The husband must take an old white undershirt and “tuck it” under her ass, creating a canvas for his man juice.
Fucking Trudie man. I got a vasectomy and she still won’t let me bust up in her puss. I have to use the t shirt tuck so I don’t get it on or in her.
A little town in Arkansas called Trumann
“Where ya headed?”
“Oh, I’m just headed down to The Dirty T”
When you skeet so much your balls shrivel up into your stomach and you can no longer walk ( T jizzy )
All i did last night was T jizzy and then my mom walked in on me
N&T,ocd is numbers and tapping ocd, when u have to tap something a certain amount of times or for a certain amount of time. U can feel stressed and annoyed or relived. Relived being I have the power to fix things to make sure ppl won't get hurt but it is really just all in your head. Stressed and annoyed being having to tap for a certain time or until u count up to a certain number a lucky number and u try to avoid unlucky numbers. Also when u try to avoid doing this u may feel like something bad is going to happen and it all depends on u to make sure it doesn't. It may feel like the worst thing in the world but u will eventually get use to this. Sometimes the reason this happens is because you are worried that someone will get hurt or someone may die or anything that u are scared of happing.
N,t,ocd is, Numbers and tapping ocd is when u have to tap something for a certain amount of time or until u count to a certain number this mainly happens to ppl because the are worried or stressed about something.