I was wit this one bitch she put the water in the microwave that's s. A. B.
I was wit this one bitch she put the water in the microwave that's s. A. B.
A truly deep phrase that tells us much about society
Person 1: S(he) Be(li)eve(d)
Person 2: He lid
Person 1: What?
Person 3: Sbeeve
Probably one of the gayest man to exist second to Esteban and this man doesn’t think straight so in his head he thinks he is straight but in reality he is gay
Joe Biden: Define g-g-gay
US citizen: JR
*they all say in unison*
Johnny S. Jr. : that’s right!
A smoking hot kid who pulls girls and is the best athlete in the world.
a black guy was once on a discord channel with his friends and they were thinking about a name for the black guy, they came up with blec_nicrer but he felt offended and changed his name in "nu imi place numele asta eu il s"
Hey man what are u doing?
nu imi place numele asta eu il s