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Donald trump

Beat president of the United States

Donald Trump is the best leader w have had since Reagan

by April41494 October 20, 2020

50πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

fuck donald trump

When you want to have sex with a trash can.

"Hey dude, I really want to fuck Donald Trump."
"You can't fuck a trash can, it just doesn't seem possible."

by LeftCam December 9, 2020

57πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

Vote Trump 2020

Vote Trump 2020

Vote Trump 2020

by KJ3DRAY October 25, 2020

120πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


(noun)1. A racist, orange businessman/president with awful hair and an undeveloped brain.
(noun)2. Someone who is oblivious, stupid, and/or in denial.

1. Look at that wild trump in the white house, tweeting and destroying the USA.
2. Stop being such a trump, you sad little white supremacist.

by Pun_Master March 10, 2017

13πŸ‘ 1889πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

One of the brightest, honest, selfless, and wisest US heads of state of all times (after King Solomon), except that all these self-declared qualities about him are false.

Donald J. Trump is one such political character who pops up once every century or two to exhibit the dark side of humanityβ€”how to notoriously stand out from the dishonest or immoral crowd, by being the worst of the worstβ€”if you can’t be really good, be really bad to the nth degree.

by MathPlus December 22, 2020

509πŸ‘ 333πŸ‘Ž


Verb. To grab a woman by their gentitals without invitation. Or, as Donald puts it: "Grab them by the pussy."

Gawd she is hot! I want to Trump her.

by nd5u_giff October 14, 2016

13πŸ‘ 2089πŸ‘Ž


An intolerant and evil retarded person, who is usually half orange, similar to Donald J Trump who openly shows how unintelligent they are. they often contradict themselves and make rash decisions supported by no evidence

Donald Trump"all terrorist attacks are caused by Islamic people
Cool guy: "shut the fuck up you trump, there are more terrorist attacks perpetrated by white christians on US soil than by Islamic extremists

by DemocraticHippie March 10, 2017

13πŸ‘ 1898πŸ‘Ž