A supply drop is when you yield a Ballon around your used condom and drop it from a highplace and can be turned into a game with your friends to see who can toss it off the highest building.
Friend one: Hey have you been collecting your used condoms for supply drop?
Friend two: You know it can't wait to play.
Guy: Hey after where done here can we use this for supply drop
Girl: sure
When you are having sex and want an excuse to stop say you are about to shit yourself to get the fuck out of there
Rory: oh yeh fuck me harder
Rorys mrs: oh no i need to shit bye
Rory:dont care shit turns me on
supply drop
The old woman on sw 8th street is very good at tax drops. You will never get caught dealing with her.
when your significant other ends the relationship right before Valentine’s Fay
I can’t believe the John cupid dropped me. I really thought we had something!
“Drop kicked lasagna”-A powerful and descriptive term used to describe the quite rare and visually shocking appearance of a real horror story of a vagina! This go to term is sought when there simply is no other descriptive comparison terminology suitable to describe the sometimes often ‘life changing’ encounter with this stomach retching organ! There has been some real upsetting stories of folks who had no warning signals of the pending doom that was waiting for them down there, only to encounter the beast just past the point of no return. This scenario is closely similar in horrific nature to hitting that point of no return while being blindsided with the ‘fishy paste Fanny’ syndrome . You just gotta hold ur breath, close ur eyes and tuck in for as long as u can survive! I’ve not heard of an encounter with both these scenarios at the same time? Possible coz they never made it out to tell the story?
- “Here Dazza, that bird I took home, came at me, spread eagled, when I clocked what she was packing down there, I nearly ran, it were like a…..er…a…..a “Drop Kicked Lasagna “, hahaha, horrific!”defined
When a suitable adult "drops" off a toddler between the ages of 1-5yrs and forces you to watch him through a non existent verbal questioning. Your are then forced to watch this child because you are a good person and like doing what's right.
Ugh! I just got baby dropped again! now I have to watch my sisters kid for hours till she gets back from her shopping spree.