To have sex with.
I would love to pogo stick that woman so hard.
Its when you beat someones as real bad.
Chad Owed me 50 bucks and the Bitch wouldn't pay so i took him to Stick City
When you fuck a girl and start bouncing like a pogo stick
I was fucking this bitch so hard I started pogo sticking that pussy
When you fuck a girl and start bouncing like a pogo stick
I was pogo sticking this bitch last night
Term used to express dissatisfaction of a groups or individuals motivation and encouragement of managerial force to motivate groups or individuals to show more urgency, detail, or quality in there work.
Once your in the meeting can you "Stick the wind up them" so that they understand the task is urgent.
Exotic or Za za rolled up in a Backwood or ones Paper of choice , A Fatass blunt that makes you smell like a skunk farted and shit on ya.
I am about roll up a big dookie stick