Typically individuals that have long, black hair that covers at least their eye, wear band t-shirts of their favorite emo band, wear studded belts on their tight pants, which makes no sense.
In my opinion, the emo scene has taken what hard rock and metal had before the emo scene arose. I think that all emo guys should have their balls ripped off and stappled to their tight ass jeans. And I can say this cause all emo guys tend to do is argue and use "fuck" a lot. They never back up their talk and are too sad to do anything anyways
Lame, watered-down, complaining poser-Goths.
Now, most Goths are labeled as Emo. This REALLY pisses them off.
"That guy is so goth!"
"No... he's just emo."
"That girl is so emo!"
"No... she's goth.... duh."
People who are depressed and wierd all the time. Listen to Taylor Swift's terrible songs and cry all the time over stupid things.
Itzel is the biggest EMO in the world she hangs out with them in the corner at lunch.
Okay alot of people have been puting up terms for emo but the real term is, Emo : People or person who have / has lost hope in god / jesus and who have / has lost hope in their selves / self.
" My life sucks and nobody can help me, that's why i'm emo. "
a person who loves rock or smt like that idk nigga
lmao dawid is so fuckin emo look at that ni-