Source Code

Super Cookies

When a 10 year old "Timmy Turner" bounces on the bed with five different supermodels he wished for. They all know how to quote on quote "Make super cookies."

Timmy: "Can you guys make cookies?"
Three out of five supermodels: "Super Cookies!"

by BLAMEcanadah_ January 10, 2024

super slushie special

Putting every possible bodily fluid into a bucket (blood, pee, cum, vomit, diarrhea, etc.), mixing it together, and dumping it into a girl's vagina.

Bob: My girlfriend was yelling at me, so I gave her the old super slushie special to calm her down.
George: She must have gotten all kinds of infections.

by JoeMamaAmogus August 2, 2023

Super team 2.0

When two people are meant to be together for life.

Super Team 2.0 moment happens...

Boy: "Super !.."
Girl: "Team!.."
Boy: "Two!.."
Girl: "Point!.."
Together: "OHHHH!!!"

by SillyBroWithNoSwag May 13, 2017

6 feet tall and super strong

A refrence to a song I think

6 feet tall and super strong

by FardMonke July 26, 2022

Shadowy Super Coder

Robert Leshner

Robert Leshner is a shadowy super coder.

by crashandlearn July 28, 2021

Super day

praise super on this day super pigy gren pigy cool man guy

omg is that gren pigy super (super_yarik123) OMG super day

by bebranux October 17, 2021

Super Mario Run

Super Mario Run, released on December 2016, is a mobile auto- runner, where you, Mario, jump over stuff and whatnot.
The game on paper is good, however the problem is that you have to pay 9.99$ for the rest of the game.
That's like only getting world 1 in Mario 3, then you have to pay 9$ to play the rest.

Jimmy's ''beated'' Super Mario Run, now he's gotta pay for the rest of the experience.

by Darnville February 2, 2021