Jobs that make your girlfriend unhappy.
Jane: "I'm SO SICK of my boyfriend and his ghoyr(s)!!!!!"
job unhappy
(1) the dimples located on the small of ones back
(2) a lower back tattoo, generally on a female
(3) a derogatory name that gives the impression of an easy, or promiscuous woman
(4)Basically, a term that describes a person or a place where dude wants to blow his load
As the store clerk bent at the waist to pick the milk crate up off of the floor, her shirt rose ever so slightly, revealing her bare back. And that's when I saw it. There, in the small of her back, were her perfectly placed, and oh so sexy, cum catcher(s). Unbeknownst to her, this was the moment I knew I had to have her. I would win her feminine affection and make her my bride. To consummate our holy matrimony, on the night of our wedding, she shall catch my cum. And on that magical night, in the privacy of our honeymoon suite, and then again on the not so private balcony, catch my cum she did. And they all lived happily ever after despite the loveless marriage, fueled my lust and base desire. The end.
its ya boi
"its ya boi s p e e d w e e d."
Gianni S has a massive dick and rails peoples sisters.
Person 1: oh Gianni S its sooo big
emelia is literally the meanest person on earth she’s pretty tho! and her bfs mean
person 1:”look there’s emelia s”
person 2: “she’s so pretty!!
Penis That need to be Sucking Disorder
I Got a P T S D and it is Hot!
The word Snoyich ia another name for bitch, or Reeplaces the phrase " Stupid ass Bitch"
1.Shut up you fucking Snoyich ( S-N-OY-CH )